Rashid Chapeyama
Experience Designer
Originally from Africa, my artistic journey began with a discovery of my talent for drawing amidst vibrant landscapes and a rich cultural backdrop. Sketching under the African skies laid the foundation for my deep connection to the world of art.
As I refined my skills, my artistic passion transformed into helping others bring their creative visions to life. Whether crafting narratives, introducing innovative solutions, or enhancing user experiences, my path as an Experience Designer in Chicago reflects a commitment to storytelling and problem-solving.
Outside of my professional pursuits, I enjoy exploring various creative outlets, including digital art, photography, and music production. My passion for creativity extends beyond my career, enriching both my personal and professional life with a diverse array of artistic expressions.
Music Theory
UI/UX | Research | Product Design
DIPG OneLink
Branding| UI/UX | Website Design | UX Research
UI/UX | Website Design | Product Design
Hasbro Pulse
UI/UX | Website Design | Product Research
Streamline Scientific
Market Research | Logo Design | Branding
Illustration | Storyboarding | Animation